wild crafted
herbal skin care
Taos New Mexico
wild plant medicine
is powerful!
Walk in Beauty
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Wild Crafting
Wild plant medicine is different. It is a source of the wild wisdom of your unique landscape. My territory is the Sangre de Cristo mountains in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, concentrating on areas near Truchas peaks, Taos, Latir wilderness old growth forests and the Huajatolla valley in the Spanish Peaks wilderness.These areas are blessed with unique geology that enhances the plants. Some of the oldest rock formations and minerals on the planet. We are also fortunate to have most days clear blue sky and nights where plants have clear communication with the cosmos, moon, sun and stars. All this enhances our wild plant medicine here which I bring to you in the form of a skin care line of products to mainly heal and nurture our largest organ, the skin, which are true essence radiates through.
Cindy Ali
Lily Lake
sangre de cristo
Spanish Peaks wilderness
Llano de las Yeguas
earth scent
gatherer |
Dixon view |
Mora NMwhite horses |
yerba negrita |
Mora Valleywild iris field |
Gila Wilderness |
Amma |
TaosKachina Peak |
owllotion bars |
wildcraftedarnica |
herbalcat |
teadream-time |
self healwildflower |
boragecalendula |
anjelicain flower |
fireweedin flower |
osha rootharvest |
truchas retreatmidsummers |
wateris life |
Bent streetmarket |
pinyon pineSan Cristobal |
plantembroidery |