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For this cream, I hand gather six local anti-inflammatory herbs in the nearby mountains and desert, that help with chronic pain conditions. It has several analgesic pain relieving herbs including local arnica and two strong drawing agents, chaparral & wintergreen. Arnica is a counterirritant herb that brings circulation to the damaged area, comfrey helps with nerve pain and burdock root for joint pain. Juniper and chaparral for rheumatism and local artemisia tridentata for arthritis.The Mayan culture also uses sage for chronic pain and it is so overly abundant here. All of these herbs are anti-inflammatory and help with tender swollen joints. 


This cream works deep and quickly. Most people feel it activating within about five minutes. Best to use as a night treatment to wake up with more flexibility and as needed during the day, usually just once or twice is enough.


Many of my clients tell me this cream is much more powerful than the cannabis creams.  It is an anti-inflammatory cream and once the inflammation is drawn out so is the pain.


" I am visiting my 94 year old Mom in Albuquerque and she had the arthritis cream by her bedside - I tried it on my aching body parts and for once I felt relief - and I have tried all types of creams. Very excited to get my own. 

Cheers, Andre

July 19 2024, Andre Douzdjian     San Diago Ca


"I met you on the square in Taos and your arthritis cream has helped my hands so much. I carry it with me everywhere.  Thank you so much for making such an amazing product."

 May 25,2024  Tracy Gaston,  OK


"This is my testament to your chronic pain cream. I was unable to do regular everyday chores or even walk 25 ft without severe pain in my knees. I also suffer with acute back pain and nerve damage. Since using your product my life has become way more productive. Your procuct has certainly changed my quality of life. It's been 18 years of trying meds and other products. This cream is abosolutely amazing! It takes verry little on the affected area with immediate results. Thank you for doing what you do."

Oct 21,2023   Kenzie Fuselier  LA


" I'm the lady from Alabama who saw you in the Taos square two days in a row over the weekend. My knee does not hurt anymore after using the Desert Sage Arthritis Earth Cream. I use it twice a day! Also, I bought some for my Dad and his feet are pain free in the mornings now from neuropathy! He is so excited! Thank you so much for your expertise!

4/4/2023  Michelle Lowery,  Alabama


" The arthritis cream is the only thing that takes the pain away in my knees! Thank you for helping us all to heal "

3/5/23  Nancy Doyle


"My daughter and daughter in-law both have rumatoid arthritis. They both absolutley love this cream. It helps relieve their hand pain when other creams have failed. Thank you so much. I think the last ingredient on the label (love), makes all the difference. I use it on my temple when a headache is beginnning and it stops the pain.

12/26/21  Tanya Mc Donald


" The Desert Sage Arthritis cream is the best pain relieving product I have ever used.  I've tried every brand name pain relief cream and none of them have been as effective and fast as the Desert Sage Earth cream.  I am truly grateful for Cindy's commitment to healing others.  Thank you! "  

1/9/2020  Rebecca K.


" I bought this for my husband after he had shoulder surgery.  He swears by it!  Little did I know he would also have an Achilles" tendon repair several  months later.  He has been using the desert sage cream on that as well.  He is a true believer!"  

Paula Pease


" I originally bought a small jar of the arthritis cream at the Taos Lilac festival, and am amazed at how much it helps me! Want to share some with my Mom. And I am simply crazy over your philosophy and dedication to crafting such wonderful products.  Blessings to you."    

Carol K.


" I bought some in Taos a few yeas back when I was having a back ache and it helped immensely.  Now it is helping with arthritis in my hands!  I look forward to receiving it. "    

Melissa Russ


" Thank you Cindy. We bought our first arthritis cream while we were in Taos.  My wife has shingles on her foot and this cream really works for pain.  This is our 3rd purchase. I appreciate it. Thanks, Mark"    

Mark Salazar


"I visited the Taos Winter Market last weekend and bought some of the arthritis  cream.  I then gave it to my 77 year old neighbor for her knee.  Two days later she told me that she put it on three times during that day, including evening and was able to sleep through the night.  Now, I can't wait to try it and the other creams. Thanks for such great products."         

Mary Malley   


"I bought some a few years ago from you at the Fall Festival in Red River.  I didn't know if I would be able to find you again as the label had faded. The other day the light hit the label just right and I could make out the websight and did a happy little dance!"  Your products are amazing!

Oct 21, 2022  Christina Barton



to protect medicinal value of the cream, keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight. If you live in a hot humid environment best to refrigerate.





desert sage arthritis earth cream

  • Loaded with six locally gathered anti-inflammatory herbs to help with inflammation, pain and swelling.  Helps treat rheumatism, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, joint and nerve pain, and poor circulation to name a few.


  • To protect medicinal value of the cream, keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight. If you live in a hot humid environment best to refrigerate.

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