This combination is great for healing little cuts and scrapes. Comfrey mends the skin back together. In medieval days comfrey had many nick names such as knit bone and was even used to help heal broken bones. Calendula is famous for non-scarring when healing and is anti-fungal, anti-cancerous, anti-inlammatory, along with being one of the best for healing rashes, redness, severe dryness and almost any adverse skin condition. In baby creams it is used for diaper rash. A good remedy for Mom and baby. It also helps to heal stretch marks and to prevent them.
I add the rose petal and hips for the vitamin C content and the high vibration that the petals add. Making it lovely.
Use this as a natural cuticle cream and for lips where nothing else works to heal dry cracked skin. Construction workers and gardners who get those big callases and cracks will appreciate this remedy.
rose all purpose healing balm
New rose gold tin packaging in one size now of 1 oz.. Great combo of calendula flowers for non scaring when healing the skin, comfrey to mend cuts and scrapes and rose hip and petal for vitamin C. Excellent lip balm for lips that never heal from cracked skin and great for cracked cuticles. Great for children and every day use.